Smaller incisions mean you recover faster!

Lee J. Skandalakis, M.D., F.A.C.S. is an expert hernia surgeon who performs most hernia surgeries with the most advanced technology, the da Vinci® robot.
Dr. Skandalakis is a general surgeon specializing in hernias and has published numerous books and journal articles about hernias, including the anatomy and repair of them. He has helped many patients get back to their normal active lives through simple and quick surgical procedures that require very little downtime.
Dr. Skandalakis is a graduate of Emory University School of Medicine and is Board Certified in General Surgery. Dr. Skandalakis has been in practice in Atlanta at Piedmont Hospital since 1986. He has also co-authored a number of books and journal articles on the subject of hernia repair and anatomy.
See the complete CURRICULUM VITAE for Dr. Skandalakis.
Please click to watch our “Meet The Surgeon” video where Dr. Skandalakis explains how he can help you recover faster to enjoy a normal lifestyle.

THE Benefits of da Vinci®
Robotic HERNIA Surgery
This surgical robot lets Dr. Skandalakis perform your hernia surgery through a few small incisions through which tiny robotic instruments are inserted. These are controlled by the surgeon sitting at a video console, letting him see better inside your body with a laproscopic 3D HD camera, while he controls the surgical instruments by moving his own hands at the console.
The robot operates with greater precision than is possible with the human hand alone. Patient recovery is faster because small incisions heal easier than larger incisions required by older surgery methods. You’ll return to work or your normal lifestyle sooner!
Many hernia surgery patients are even able to go home the same day as their surgery.
“Dr. Skandalakis and The Hernia Specialists are excellent. The staff is courteous, professional and answered all of my questions. I had immediate relief from the pain after surgery.”
“I had been lifting weights for years so it was a surprise to find out all of a sudden that I had a hernia. Sure I didn’t like the news, but getting my life back I did enjoy! My hat is off to the Hernia Specialists, Thank you.”
“Dr. Skandalakis,thank you for getting my husband out of the house!”
Surgical Anatomy and Technique
Generations of residents and general surgeons have relied upon and worn out their copies of Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual. Thoroughly revised and with dozens of new illustrations, the fourth edition continues the tradition of providing a concise, accessible, and generously illustrated memory refresher for both novice and experienced clinicians.